A key to understanding Peter’s admonitions to wives (1-6) and husbands (7) lies in understanding the word “likewise” that begins each section.
Like what? Like Christ, 2:21-25. We are each called to follow the example of Christ, in the particular station in life God has given us. Just as Christ entrusted himself to the Father (2:23), so wives must submit themselves to their husbands (3:5). This can be a fearful thing (3:6), entrusting yourself to a fallible man. But instead of giving in to that fear, let yourself be adorned in inner beauty (3:4), honoring and respecting your man (“calling him Lord”). He will feed off that respect, and become more a man worthy of that respect.
“Likewise”, husbands should live with their wives understanding something profound (3:7). She is equal to you value - a “heir with you of the grace of life.” And yet in this life God has called her to occupy the spot of “weaker vessel”, both physically and positionally. Who does this remind you of, husband? Christ - who though he was equal to the Father, took the station of a servant, even a slave.
When you see her, following in Jesus’ steps, you should show honor to her - “You look like Jesus.” This is so important to God that, if we don’t, God will put our prayers in His heavenly inbox, until we get this right.
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