Pilgrim's Bread
Pilgrim's Bread Podcast
September 8

September 8

2 Samuel 2; 1 Corinthians 13; Ezekiel 11; Psalm 50

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Photo by Den Harrson on Unsplash

1 Corinthians 13

This chapter’s depiction of love has no match. I would only like to point out a few themes.

We should first see this chapter’s place in Paul’s ongoing argument in the letter of 1 Corinthians. One massive theme in 1 Corinthians rises to the surface at 10:31-11:1: whatever you do, do it to the glory of God. But what does Paul mean by “to the glory of God”? Do not unnecessarily offend others, Paul says, but instead seek their advantage, not your own. This is what I do, Paul says; imitate me, as I imitate Christ, who laid down his rights (Phil. 2:6-7), for the advantage of many, that they may be saved.

In other words - chapter 13 - do what you do in love. To do all to the glory of God is to take your gifts (chapter 12) and employ them not in head-strong, self-inflating, pride (4), but in love. Seek the advantage of others, and do it with affection for them. Christ’s love was not cold and impersonal. We imitate him.

The Corinthians wanted to be “excellent” in all things. You hear this kind of language in churches today, too. We want our worship, our preaching, our building, our ministries, our, our, our . . . to be “excellent.” Paul does not dismiss that, but says, OK, here is that “excellent way” (12:31). Yes, do all those things - and do more! - speak in the tongues of angels, discern mysteries, move mountains, and give up even your body to the fire! (1-3) - but do them in love. True excellence is not making a name for yourself. It’s not competing with the big box church down the street. It’s obeying God and fulfilling your godly ambitions in love - to the advantage of others, with affection.

Reflect on the various facets of love (4-7) - patience, charity, hope, etc. - and note how they all match God’s commands elsewhere. God is love (1 John 4:8), and therefore His character is revealed in His statutes and commandments. When I live with my neighbor in affectionate obedience to the eighth commandment - to not steal his stuff - I’m living to his advantage, and that requires obeying the tenth commandment, too (4). Love is obeying the law of God to my neighbor, with affection.

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